Brandon Badger
Game Designer
Unreal Co-op RPG (WIP)
Led all Design conversations and oversaw general direction for a side group project.
Created technical documentation for our programmer on how to implement features for the designers to utilize in-engine.
Scripted various world interactions, enemy AI behaviors, abilities, and events.
Utilized an Agile development process to prototype, iterate, and refine mechanics based on design goals.
Created levels to test various mechanics, combat encounters, and exploration mechanics to solidify the game’s direction.
Lead Designer/Producer

Systems Designer/Level Designer
Cobot Putt Factory
Cobot Golf is a spin on the putt-putt genre! Cobots assist the player in completing each course as efficiently as possible. Players can program Cobots in their rotation, position, and power to set up a perfect assembly line to get the ball to the hole in a single shot.

Game Designer/Producer

Technical Artist/Game Designer
President's Cup Cybersecurity Competition
A national cybersecurity competition hosted by the US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency in February 2021. Our team created a multiplayer, first-person experience where players explore different real world scenarios to encounter cybersecurity challenges to solve during the competition.

Game Designer/Product Manager
An atmospheric theatrical horror escape room sequence set in a crashed subway. The guest has to reach the front car to reset the power while keeping monsters at bay by shooting light with physical flashlights! Created in 3 weeks as part of my Building Virtual Worlds class at Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center.
Experience Designer/Sound Designer